Critical care is a multi-professional healthcare specialty that cares for patients with acute, life-threatening illnesses or injuries. Most critical care today is delivered in highly specialized intensive careunits (ICU). Mortality rates of very ill patients in ICUs are impacted by certain medical conditions in suchICU patients, such as infections, sepsis, shock, the need for mechanical ventilation and surgery, whichare well recognized as high-risk settings for the development of kidney diseases.
Since urine output is the best indicator of the state of the patient's kidneys, healthcare professionals arelooking for reliable products to help monitoring and sensing most of the critical care patient’sphysiological parameters to establish therapeutic goals, treatment and medication.
Curas Critical Care product line of C10 help monitor vital signs for patients who are critically ill. The corecategories include urine meters and Foley catheter ranges, as well as sophisticated urine drainage bagsand the C3 Emptying Bags solution.
Curas C10 UrineMeter 500 ranges of BASIC and PLUS were designed for close monitoring of urine outputand are dedicated to diuresis as well as urine quality evaluation, which allows accurate hourly urinevolume measurement. Its closed-system concept minimizes the risk of patient infection and reducesclinician contact with urine and the chamber’s overflow mechanism allows urine to flow into a drainagebag when output exceeds 500 ml.
Whereas the Curas 100% Silicone Foley Catheter with Temperature Sensor will accurately monitor thereal-time body temperature through the bladder.