Curas is very active in the facility supplies market, as we clearly understand the need to bring quality, but cost-effective, products to this growing market. Our starting point is always the profesional healthcare market, whereby we design every product and its packaging to meet the high demands of major hospitals and health facilities.
By the same time, meeting the required quality of products specification, range and price; we are opening up our reach to include non-health related business. This is why our products –increasingly- are ending up in the hotelier and service industy. The Curas Facility Supply range is also increasingly used in the cleaning and manufacturing industry, as these markets are demanding similar or identical product solutions.
Supply chain and logistics are very important parameters in the facilities market, and Curas is ensuring that every single product has undergone a very accurate process that ensures the right packaging and distribution solutions are used.
Thank you for chosing a Curas Facility Supply product.